CENIZAS is an independent, grassroots healing arts project centering the voices of Latinx survivors of gender-based violence culminating in a theatrical performance. It was born in Los Angeles during the spring of 2018 when a group of storytellers of color gathered in sisterhood. For many of us, this was a reunion as we've been connected through advocacy and healing work over the span of a decade.

Our sister Zoë Flowers guided us through our predecessor's, ASHES', history and current embodiment. CENIZAS is the Latinx culturally-specific adaptation of ASHES. We shared reflections on the power of our co-created project and called in hopes and dreams for our personal healing, the healing of our families and community. Our vision is to lovingly support one another as we bear witness to and weave our experiences of harm and pain from gender-based violence with our stories of joy, transformation and dreams of a liberated tomorrow. 

Photos: Lina Jurabe Botella & Sally Orellana